MEMORIAL GALLERY. COVID-19: Norman Hunters will always live in the memories of football fans...
Photo: The brightest moments in Norman Hunter life. R.I.P.

England 1966 World Cup hero and Leeds United legend Norman Hunter has died in hospital aged 76 after contracting coronavirus.
Hunter, who made 540 appearances for Leeds and earned 28 England caps, was part of the England World Cup squad which won the tournament on home soil in 1966.
The tough-tackling centre-back, nicknamed 'Bites Yer Legs', was a key player in Leeds' most successful era. He won two league titles during a 14-year first-team career at Elland Road, and was a non-playing member of England's 1966 World Cup-winning squad.
Photo: The brightest moments in Norman Hunter life. R.I.P.
Hunter was admitted to hospital on 10 April after testing positive for coronavirus. The Professional Footballers' Association said: "Football has lost a legend and we join the entire football community in mourning this loss."

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