Costume fights: Who is better suited to Putin or Kadyrov in a pandemic suit?
Photo: Who look better in yellow hazmat suit – Putin or Kadyrov?

Ramzan Kadyrov copies Putin hazmat suit during visit patients with COVID-19 in hospital. Meanwhile doctors in much of Chechnya lack protective equipment, according to an article Novaja Gazeta was forced to take down after Kadyrov threatened the reporter.
Kadyrov visited the 4th Clinical Hospital in Grozny, which has 76 people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus.
Photo: Who look better in yellow hazmat suit – Putin or Kadyrov?
Kadirov published the pictures from the visit in his “VKontakte” account.
“I got acquainted with the working conditions of the medical staff, talked to the patients. The chief doctor Anzors Baisajev confirmed that the condition of the patients is satisfactory,” Kadirov writes.
Two of the 76 patients are connected to ventilators, and four more are helped by oxygen cylinders to breathe, Kadyrov said.
Some noticed that Kadyrov was dressed in the same costume as Putin visited a hospital in the village of Komunarka, Moscow a month ago.

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